
How do I open the Worksheet (Excel File)

If you have Microsoft Excel, you can open the Worksheet directly from the program.

If you do not have Microsoft Excel, you can use a Free Google Account and open it from Google Sheets.

To do that you must first have a Free Google Account. If you do not have an account, then you can signup here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp

Once you are logged into your Google Account, you can open up your Worksheet by following these instructions:

Go to the Google Sheets Home.

Then hit the Open file picker icon in the top-right corner.

Convert Excel To Google Sheets - Open Picker

Next, hit the Upload tab and drag your XLS file into the Upload section or hit Select a file from your computer and choose the Excel file you want to upload.

Convert Excel To Google Sheets - Upload

Your file will then be uploaded and converted to Google Sheets and you can open your Worksheet file.